Never versions of Matlab has this feature built in but for the people still on the old version may help.
[w,fval] = fmincon(@(w) -w'*r/sqrt(w'*c*w),ones(N,1)/N ,-eye(N),zeros(N,1),ones(1,N),1);
objective term: -w'*r/sqrt(w'*c*w) is the formulation of Sharpe Ratio, where r is the excess return vector, c is the covariance matrix,and w is the security weights we're optimizing. Since it's a minimization algorithm we have to negate it.
N is the dimension of the problem where c and r dimensions need to match.
initial value: ones(3,1)/3 to start the search
long only constraint: Aw ≤ b where A=-eye(3), b=zeros(3,1) which becomes w ≥ 0
budget constraint: Aw=b where A=[1 1 ... 1], b=1 which becomes ∑wi = 1
the outputs are the weights and the optimal function value at these weights.
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